How to sign a multisig transaction with eosio.msig
- eosio.token contract installed to eosio.token account, eosio.msig contract installed on eosio.msig account which is a priviliged account.
- account 'treasury' is the issuer of EOS token.
- account 'tester' exists.
- keys to accounts 'treasury' and 'tester' imported into local wallet, the wallet is unlocked.
One user creates a proposal:
cleos multisig propose test '[{"actor": "treasury", "permission": "active"}]' '[{"actor": "treasury", "permission": "active"}]' eosio.token issue '{"to": "tester", "quantity": "1000.0000 EOS", "memo": ""}' -p tester
executed transaction: e26f3a3a7cba524a7b15a0b6c77c7daa73d3ba9bf84e83f9c2cdf27fcb183d61 336 bytes 107520 cycles
# eosio.msig <= eosio.msig::propose {"proposer":"tester","proposal_name":"test","requested":[{"actor":"treasury","permission":"active"}]...
Another user reviews the transaction:
cleos multisig review tester test
"proposal_name": "test",
"requested_approvals": [{
"actor": "treasury",
"permission": "active"
"provided_approvals": [],
"packed_transaction": "00aee75a0000000000000000000000000100a6823403ea30550000000000a5317601000000fe6a6cd4cd00000000a8ed323219000000005c95b1ca809698000000000004454f530000000000",
"transaction": {
"expiration": "2018-05-01T00:00:00",
"region": 0,
"ref_block_num": 0,
"ref_block_prefix": 0,
"max_net_usage_words": 0,
"max_kcpu_usage": 0,
"delay_sec": 0,
"context_free_actions": [],
"actions": [{
"account": "eosio.token",
"name": "issue",
"authorization": [{
"actor": "treasury",
"permission": "active"
"data": {
"to": "tester",
"quantity": "1000.0000 EOS",
"memo": ""
"hex_data": "000000005c95b1ca809698000000000004454f530000000000"
And then approves it:
cleos multisig approve tester test '{"actor": "treasury", "permission": "active"}' -p treasury
executed transaction: 475970a4b0016368d0503d1ce01577376f91f5a5ba63dd4353683bd95101b88d 256 bytes 108544 cycles
# eosio.msig <= eosio.msig::approve {"proposer":"tester","proposal_name":"test","level":{"actor":"treasury","permission":"active"}}
First user initiates execution:
cleos multisig exec tester test -p tester
executed transaction: 64e5eaceb77362694055f572ae35876111e87b637a55250de315b1b55e56d6c2 248 bytes 109568 cycles
# eosio.msig <= eosio.msig::exec {"proposer":"tester","proposal_name":"test","executer":"tester"}
Cleos usage example for transferring tokens.
- eosio.token contract installed to eosio.token account, eosio.msig contract installed on eosio.msig account which is a priviliged account.
- account 'treasury' has at least 1.1000 EOS token balance.
- account 'tester' exists.
- keys to accounts 'treasury' and 'tester' imported into local wallet, the wallet is unlocked.
One user creates a proposal:
cleos multisig propose test '[{"actor": "treasury", "permission": "active"}]' '[{"actor": "treasury", "permission": "active"}]' eosio.token transfer '{"from": "treasury", "to": "tester", "quantity": "1.0000 EOS", "memo": ""}' -p tester
executed transaction: e26f3a3a7cba524a7b15a0b6c77c7daa73d3ba9bf84e83f9c2cdf27fcb183d61 336 bytes 107520 cycles
# eosio.msig <= eosio.msig::propose {"proposer":"tester","proposal_name":"test","requested":[{"actor":"treasury","permission":"active"}]...
Another user reviews the transaction:
cleos multisig review tester test
"proposal_name": "test",
"requested_approvals": [{
"actor": "treasury",
"permission": "active"
"provided_approvals": [],
"packed_transaction": "00aee75a0000000000000000000000000100a6823403ea30550000000000a5317601000000fe6a6cd4cd00000000a8ed323219000000005c95b1ca809698000000000004454f530000000000",
"transaction": {
"expiration": "2018-05-01T00:00:00",
"region": 0,
"ref_block_num": 0,
"ref_block_prefix": 0,
"max_net_usage_words": 0,
"max_kcpu_usage": 0,
"delay_sec": 0,
"context_free_actions": [],
"actions": [{
"account": "eosio.token",
"name": "transfer",
"authorization": [{
"actor": "treasury",
"permission": "active"
"data": {
"from": "treasury",
"to": "tester",
"quantity": "1.0000 EOS",
"memo": ""
"hex_data": "000000005c95b1ca809698000000000004454f530000000000"
And then approves it:
cleos multisig approve tester test '{"actor": "treasury", "permission": "active"}' -p treasury
executed transaction: 475970a4b0016368d0503d1ce01577376f91f5a5ba63dd4353683bd95101b88d 256 bytes 108544 cycles
# eosio.msig <= eosio.msig::approve {"proposer":"tester","proposal_name":"test","level":{"actor":"treasury","permission":"active"}}
First user check account balance before executing the proposed transaction
cleos get account tester
EOS balances:
liquid: 1.0487 EOS
staked: 2.0000 EOS
unstaking: 0.0000 EOS
total: 4.0487 EOS
First user initiates execution of proposed transaction:
cleos multisig exec tester test -p tester
executed transaction: 64e5eaceb77362694055f572ae35876111e87b637a55250de315b1b55e56d6c2 248 bytes 109568 cycles
# eosio.msig <= eosio.msig::exec {"proposer":"tester","proposal_name":"test","executer":"tester"}
First user can check account balance, it should be increased by 1.0000 EOS
cleos get account tester
EOS balances:
liquid: 2.0487 EOS
staked: 2.0000 EOS
unstaking: 0.0000 EOS
total: 4.0487 EOS