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producer plugin


The producer_plugin loads functionality required for a node to produce blocks.

[[info]] | Additional configuration is required to produce blocks. Please read Configuring Block Producing Node.


# config.ini
plugin = eosio::producer_plugin [options]
# nodeos startup params
nodeos ... -- plugin eosio::producer_plugin [options]


These can be specified from both the nodeos command-line or the config.ini file:

Config Options for eosio::producer_plugin:
-e [ --enable-stale-production ] Enable block production, even if the
chain is stale.
-x [ --pause-on-startup ] Start this node in a state where
production is paused
--max-transaction-time arg (=499) Setting this value (in milliseconds)
will restrict the allowed transaction
execution time to a value potentially
lower than the on-chain consensus
max_transaction_cpu_usage value.
--max-irreversible-block-age arg (=-1)
Limits the maximum age (in seconds) of
the DPOS Irreversible Block for a chain
this node will produce blocks on (use
negative value to indicate unlimited)
-p [ --producer-name ] arg ID of producer controlled by this node
(e.g. inita; may specify multiple
--signature-provider arg (=EOS6MRyAjQq8ud7hVNYcfnVPJqcVpscN5So8BhtHuGYqET5GDW5CV=KEY:5KQwrPbwdL6PhXujxW37FSSQZ1JiwsST4cqQzDeyXtP79zkvFD3)
Key=Value pairs in the form
<public-key> is a string form of
a valid EOS public

<provider-spec> is a string in the
form <provider-type>

<provider-type> is KEY, KEOSD, or SE

KEY:<data> is a string form of
a valid EOS
private key which
maps to the provided
public key

KEOSD:<data> is the URL where
keosd is available
and the approptiate
wallet(s) are
--greylist-account arg account that can not access to extended
CPU/NET virtual resources
--greylist-limit arg (=1000) Limit (between 1 and 1000) on the
multiple that CPU/NET virtual resources
can extend during low usage (only
enforced subjectively; use 1000 to not
enforce any limit)
--produce-block-offset-ms arg (=450) The minimum time to reserve at the end
of a production round for blocks to
propagate to the next block producer.
--max-block-cpu-usage-threshold-us arg (=5000)
Threshold of CPU block production to
consider block full; when within
threshold of max-block-cpu-usage block
can be produced immediately
--max-block-net-usage-threshold-bytes arg (=1024)
Threshold of NET block production to
consider block full; when within
threshold of max-block-net-usage block
can be produced immediately
--subjective-cpu-leeway-us arg (=31000)
Time in microseconds allowed for a
transaction that starts with
insufficient CPU quota to complete and
cover its CPU usage.
--subjective-account-max-failures arg (=3)
Sets the maximum amount of failures
that are allowed for a given account
per block.
--subjective-account-decay-time-minutes arg (=1440)
Sets the time to return full subjective
cpu for accounts
--incoming-transaction-queue-size-mb arg (=1024)
Maximum size (in MiB) of the incoming
transaction queue. Exceeding this value
will subjectively drop transaction with
resource exhaustion.
--disable-subjective-account-billing arg
Account which is excluded from
subjective CPU billing
--disable-subjective-p2p-billing arg (=1)
Disable subjective CPU billing for P2P
--disable-subjective-api-billing arg (=1)
Disable subjective CPU billing for API
--snapshots-dir arg (="snapshots") the location of the snapshots directory
(absolute path or relative to
application data dir)


Load Dependency Examples

# config.ini
plugin = eosio::chain_plugin [operations] [options]
# command-line
nodeos ... --plugin eosio::chain_plugin [operations] [options]

For details about how blocks are produced please read the following block producing explainer.